3 weeks out, October 1st.
Body Composition:
Weight: 235.4 pounds
Body Fat: 3.6%
Diet: Pretty much the same as last week: refeed on Sunday, then tapering off the carbs as the week progresses.
Supplements: All the same from the previous weeks.
I am 20 days out and I am very glad with the progress that I made in the past 11 weeks. Although, I do look a bit puffy in the beggining of the week after the refeed, but by the end of the week the water comes out completely leaving me very lean, although also pretty flat. However, during the Sunday's carb up I can start seeing what the end product will look like: full, dry and vascular. It is pretty amazing to see your body change within a few hours.
Judging by the caliper readings, I did not make any fat loss progress, however I don't think that these readings are reliable anymore, as it is pretty hard to take measurements right now as the skinfolds are so hard to pinch. When I look in the mirror I see some great changes, and that is what important at this moment, on stage the judges don't take measurements, they go by how you look.
Fridays and Saturdays are usually the hardest days, as the carbs are pretty low, and this translates into the intensity of my workouts. But, this is the price that any competitor has to pay to look good at the show, especially the last few weeks out.
I am increasing my morning cardio to 50 minutes in a slow pace. The cardio after training sessions are going to stay at 20 minutes. I am not introducing any major changes into my workout routines at this point. However, I am a bit more careful with the free weights, as at this stage it is easy to get injured. Focusing more on full control over the weight and less on the amount of weight I am pushing, however still bringing every set to failure.
Started tanning yesterday, and will be doing it 3-4 times a week. Not my favorite thing in the world, but it can help me to get rid of some additional water and get the skin tighter.
That's all for this week, I already outlined my last 7 days's plan and will post it next later.

Until next week!
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