- Increases muscle contraction abilities
- Promotes glycogen storage
- Protects immune system
- Promotes muscle building
- Prevents catabolism
- Elevates growth hormone
Sounds like a pretty cool
supplement, huh? Glutamine is a must have supplement in any weight
lifter's tool kit. Its benefits were valued in the realm of
bodybuilding for years, but now this amazing supplement is finding
its way to the mainstream. More and more athletes and recreational
weight lifters are starting to use it and for all of the above
reasons. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the muscle. It
is also the first amino acid to be released into the blood stream for
the purpose of extracting energy. During extreme dieting and vigorous
exercise, glutamine stores are getting depleted and it may take a
while to replenish them without supplementation. Depleted glutamine
stores can cause muscle catabolism (muscle breakdown). Good news is
that whole food protein sources such as meat, eggs, nuts and dairy
consist of 4-8% glutamine and you can get a good amount of it simply
by eating right. However, glutamine also plays a big role in your
immune system, which uses large amounts of it. So muscle tissue and
immune system together require such high doses of glutamine that its
supplementation is required.
Dosages vary from 5-80 grams
daily. 80 grams a day loading phase was recommended by a famous
strength coach, Charles Poliquin, who had given it to his athletes to
repair their intestinal lining. This increased their abilities to
extract nutrients from food and therefore to add muscle more
effectively. I would strongly recommend try this trick, if you don't
mind taking 10 grams of glutamine every 2 waking hours. The most
appropriate time to take glutamine would be before and after the
workout and upon waking, as these times are the most stressful ones.
Personally, I take 10 grams on each of those times and it works
wonders in terms of recovery, especially when I diet for a show. Try
it out for yourself and enjoy the benefits!
This is great information! Our trainer just recently told us to start taking fitness supplements. So far, we have been seeing more results than we did without the supplements. This one sounds like we should look into it. I'll be passing this along to my husband.